I am keen on teaching and organizing seminars on Economics, Law, and Technology.
I have initiated and organized Cradle Reading Group on Law and Economics at Cornell. Agenda and reading list can be found here.
Below is a list of courses I have served as an Instructor.
Digital Economics and the Law
Spring 2023: syllabus, reading list
Digital Platforms are becoming essential building blocks of modern economies, facilitating an unprecedented scale of economic transactions and activities. At the same time, an increasing number of laws and regulations are drafted, discussed, and ready to reshape the landscape of digital platforms. This course is an introduction to the economic scholarship on various legal and regulatory problems faced by digital platforms. It covers a variety of contentious topics, such as digital copyright, intermediary liability, content moderation, censorship, privacy, cybercrimes, etc. Despite the digital context, many policy questions discussed are also common in the economic analysis of law and such connections will be emphasized throughout the course. The course will be particularly helpful to students interested in either understanding the digital economy or applying economic reasoning to legal problems.
Introduction to Quantitative Methods
Fall 2022: syllabus
The purpose of this course is to introduce basic statistical concepts and applications that are heavily used in quantitative social science research. The course serves as a foundation for anyone interested in empirical research and also as a prerequisite to taking more advanced methodology courses.
Topics include creating and interpreting graphical and tabular summaries of data, descriptive statistics, basic probability theory, sampling distributions, basic hypothesis testing, estimation of population parameters, confidence intervals and correlation. An introduction to regression analysis will also be provided. Topics are supported by computer-supported data analyses.
Below is a list of courses I have served as a Teaching Assistant.
Game Theory and Strategic Decision Making: Game Theory (syllabus), Introduction to Game Theory and Strategic Thinking (syllabus), Network II: Market Design
Econometrics: Applied Econometrics, (syllabus, teaching evaluation)
Microeconomics: Microeconomics for Management (syllabus), Introduction to Microeconomics